diabetes supplement

Did You Set Your Diabetes Goals?

I celebrated the new year on December 21, when it started. Like me, you can celebrate it with good intentions for diabetes health.


Most people celebrate ten days later on what our calendar says is New Year’s Eve. After a night of partying, it’s typical to respond with good intentions to turn over a new leaf in the next 365 or 366 days. These resolutions are made to be broken because we not only aim too late but we also aim too high.

We Can Do Better

We can do better when we celebrate the Winter Solstice. It marks the first day of winter and is the shortest day of the year so it is longest night.

After this, it only gets better, at least in terms of the amount of light that we get from the sun. That’s when our ancient ancestors celebrated, and we can too. And this is why we celebrate this holiday season at approximately this date.

Approximately is good, but we now know the precise date of the Earth’s turning toward the light, and we can use it to our advantage. Our advantage is to reflect on this turning with our own turning toward better health.

Setting Goals We Can Reach

We don’t need to make huge promises to ourselves that we can’t keep, but we can’t afford to set our goals too low either. Either way would be counterproductive to good health. What we need to do is to identify one area where we know we are lacking and vow to work on it. We need that to have a goal, and it needs to be a moderate one that we can reach.

The area could be losing a few more pounds down to a specific weight that we think we can achieve by the time another year rolls around. It could be to get out for a walk at least five times a week. It could be to eat out less often or otherwise follow a more healthy diet.

These are just suggestions based on my experience of managing my type 2 diabetes for the past 21 years. Do you celebrate the Winter Solstice?

This article is based on an earlier version of my article published by HealthCentral.

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  • Jacob at

    Today, It is very important to be serious for diabetes. People should start to eat healthy and sugar free food to prevent your self from diabetes. Regular exercise is also help you to maintain your diabetes level.