Three people, none of whom know the others, happened to mention balance exercise to me on three consecutive days. I’ve learned to listen to coincidences like this, because the last time it happened like that, I listened and changed my life for the better.
You know the old saying, “No pain, no gain.” You can forget it.
Your exercise program doesn’t have to be hard. A major study that JAMA, the journal of the American Medical Association published a few years ago, determined that you cut your risk of heart disease even if you do only light to moderate walking. The amount of time is more important than your pace. It is still the deed, not the speed.
Hike softly, carry walking stick. Those are two of the main maxims for the trail, whether or not you have diabetes.
The latter is among the least observed. I just came back from three days of wilderness hiking in northern Colorado. In all that time I saw few people on the trails and a lot fewer even who had sense enough to carry a walking stick or two.
If you haven’t lost weight or need to, feel free to skip to the next article. But 85 percent of those of us who have type 2 diabetes are overweight, and most everyone else is probably on a diet.
I’ve lost a lot of weight in the 14 months I have used Byetta. Now, nothing scares me more than gaining it back.