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Diabetes Medication

Avandia Anxiety

Steve Nissen has a way of getting everybody’s attention. And he does that with tools that in anybody else’s hands would be deadly dull. This week he captured the attention of one of the country’s most prestigious medical journals, the Food and Drug Administration, U.S. senators and members of Congress, our leading newspapers, Wall Street, class-action lawyers, and last, but hardly least millions of people who have diabetes. Continue Reading

Diabetes Medication

C is for Cure

When I was in the Army years ago, I heard a lot of different obscenities. Nowadays, however, the one I hear is the word “cure.”

It’s the four-letter word of diabetes. It is obscene because, as a dictionary says, obscenity is “abhorrent: offensive to the mind.” Continue Reading

Diabetes Testing

F is for Failure

This article wants to be excused for jumping the queue. Since it is hot news, this article skips over what C, D, and E are for, which are patiently waiting for their turns.

But we do know that F is for Failure. Don’t take it personally. I’m not talking here about you or me. I’m talking about the failure of non-invasive blood glucose meters. Continue Reading

Diabetes Medication

B is for Byetta

At first I couldn’t decide whether B was for Byetta or for better. Then I realized that it didn’t matter.

Byetta is better. It is better at helping people with type 2 diabetes to lose weight than anything else. And the longer I use it the better it helps me at controlling my appetite and increasing my exercise. Byetta is pretty darn good too at bringing down our A1C. Continue Reading