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On-line Diabetes Resources

Part 2: General Web Sites

By David Mendosa

This Web page brings together in one place descriptions of and links to only those general Web pages dealing with diabetes, but is linked to the 15 other On-line Diabetes Resources pages dealing with other Web pages,other parts of the Internet, and other on-line services. Those links that I think are especially valuable are marked in red.

The Glycemic Index

The Glycemic Index is a ranking of high-carbohydrate foods based on their immediate effect on blood glucose. It measures how much your blood glucose increases over a period of two or three hours after a meal. The most complete listing is in a new book by Professor Jennie Brand-Miller, The G.I. Factor, which was published in Australia and subsequently in the U.K. and in the U.S. as The Glucose Revolution. With her authorization, I have condensed this information into listings for about 300 foods. This includes all of the different foods for which glycemic indexes have been published and listed in The G.I. Factor. Note, however, that the glycemic index may be a difficult diet concept to follow. Officially the American Diabetes Association has questioned its clinical utility and recommends that priority should be given to the amount rather than the source of carbohydrate. The URL is

Professor Brand-Miller now (in November 2000) has her own glycemic index Web site with authoritative and extensive information about it. The URL is

Added November 9, 2010:

  1. Diabetes Forum is a community of people with diabetes who support and learn from each other with the underlying aim of better control and management. The URL is

    Added November 10, 2009:

  2. The new website Diabetes Well Being has put together about 200 articles related to diabetes. Topics include diet reviews, research on possible natural or alternative treatments, and many other informative topics. The URL is

    Added October 23, 2009:

  3. The Behavioral Diabetes Institute in San Diego is the world's first organization dedicated to tackling the unmet psychological needs of people with diabetes. The URL is

    Added April 23, 2009:

  4. The Diabetes Diet website of British nutritionist Barry Groves, PhD, explains exactly which foods are safe for you to eat and which are not. It also explains how much of each you should aim for and in what proportions. The URL is

    Added January 29, 2009:

  5. Dr. Ian Blumer's Practical Guide to Diabetes provides the key information you need to know to take charge of your health. Dr. Blumer has a medical practice in Ajax, Ontario, Canada. He is the author three books, including Diabetes for Canadians for Dummies. The URL for his site is

    Added January 26, 2009:

  6. The Diabetes Library is a collection of diabetes related information collected and organized by human editors. It includes thousands of articles, reports, health and nutrition guides, products, foods, clinical trials, professional and consumer resources, health providers, and more. The editors organize them by category. The URL is

    Added January 20, 2009:

  7. The new website, "Diabetes and Other Related Health Issues," has information about diabetes of all types including what happens in many complications, eating right, many recipes, and videos by medical professionals explaining various aspects of managing diabetes. The URL is

    Added December 4, 2008:

  8. The aim of the Type 1 Parent website is to share experiences of being parents of a child with type 1 diabetes, but also to help provide simple, straight-forward explanations to many of the fundamental aspects of diabetes so that parents can help their children understand what is happening to them. Founder Michael Egan says that he hopes to provide a servicem but also promote dialogue among parents in the same situation as us. The URL is

    Added September 16, 2008:

  9. The American Foundation for the Blind has just put up a diabetes guide. Ann S.Williams, PhD, RN, CDE, a nurse with 20 years of experience as a diabetes educator, much of that experience in blindness rehabilitation settings, wrote it. The URL is

    Added August 28, 2008:

  10. The University of California, San Francisco (UCSF) Diabetes Teaching Center, just launched a complete online diabetes self-management education program. The URL is

    Added December 14, 2007:

  11. was started by a family physician and nurse practitioner to help teach their patients to eat a healthy diet. People with diabetes can download a 14-day photographed menu plan which has been constructed of simple, everyday foods. Just make your plate look like the food in the picture and you are automatically following a 1800-calorie balanced diet approved by our Registered Dietician and Certified Diabetes Educator. The Adult Onset Diabetes PhotoDiet is perfect for a newly diagnosed type 2 adult or for people who have not been following their previous diabetes diet and need a simple reminder to get back on track. The photographs are designed to teach people how to construct a meal using simple foods and portion control principles. The Diabetes PhotoDiet is available in English and Spanish, is downloaded to the computer desktop for one low purchase price and can be printed out for easy reference. The URL is

    Added October 15, 2007:

  12. Health Support Systems Inc. in San Francisco helps people living with diabetes better manage their condition through self-monitoring, education, and qualitative analysis. This service is free for individual use. Users can even add their own parameters and track it. The URL is

    Added October 12, 2007:

  13. sponsored by Merck & Co., Inc., has practical tips, easy-to-use tools, and many ways to stay positive as you manage your blood glucose every day. The URL is

    Added October 2, 2007:

  14. D-solve is website focused on low carbohydrate and low insulin diabetes management. D-solve contains its own "how to" course along with many references to medical research on the topic of using low carbohydrate diets in diabetes management. In addition to the "how to" course and medical research there is a free 300-page recipe PDF, web links, and pointers to the latest news on the subject. The URL is

    Added January 2, 2007:

  15. The mission of Diabetic-Diet-Secrets is to create an on-line community of people who have well-controlled diabetes helping other people with diabetes who are newly diagnosed or poorly controlled. The URL is

    Added November 17, 2006

  16. is a new online clearinghouse for promising initiatives in diabetes care, prevention, and management in the U.S. The URL is

    Added October 26, 2006

  17. The Diabetes Initiative is a national program of the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation. It focuses on Advancing Diabetes Self Management and Building Community Supports for Diabetes Care in real world clinic and community settings of diverse populations. The URL is

    Added October 15, 2005

  18. The Wellness Living Diabetes in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, is a new resource for people with diabetes and their relatives and friends. This site features news about recent advances in diabetes research, articles, and notes covering frequently asked questions, especially for those who were recently diagnosed. There is also a succulent section about cooking for people with diabetes with recipes of dishes and desserts, and a marketplace section with convenient deals on diabetic products such as glucose meters, strips, books, and food. The URL is

  19. Islets of Hope is a diabetes information clearing house and diabetes resource support network for members of the diabetes community. Here you will find what’s making current diabetes news headlines and in-depth information on diabetes research, new treatment for diabetes, and the latest in diabetes technology. Lahle Wolfe in Upland, California, has polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS), type 2 diabetes, and Hashimoto’s thyroiditis. “PCOS had stolen my once trim body and at only 5'5" tall I weighed in at 287 pounds,” she writes. Subsequently, she lost more than 150 pounds on a low-carb diet, she tells me. Her site has grown to more than 500 pages of practical and comprehensive diabetes information. The site support a nonprofit organization that she also founded to assist others with diabetes who cannot afford their own diabetes care costs. The site also sponsors The Quilting Dee, a site where parents of children newly diagnosed with diabetes can request a quilt for their child at no cost. In addition, the site also offers free legal advice donated by licensed attorneys. The URL is

  20. Joshua Levy has put together a list of all human trials of possible cures for type 1 diabetes that he knows of. They have to meet these four criteria:
    • It is a cure for type 1 diabetes, not a treatment for a symptom. (A cure requires blood sugar control without testing and with doctor's visits 4 times a year or less. Obviously, this is Joshua's personal definition of a cure; yours may differ. Any cure must result in an average lifespan close to normal.)
    • It is either in human trials now, or has been in the past, or is expected to be within the next two years.
    • Does not require a lifetime of immunsuppressive drugs, so it is not trading one treatment for another (but a couple of repeated operations, or a short course of drugs is OK).
    • It is not specific to the “honeymoon” phase of the disease.
    The URL is

  21. “Diabetes Lifelines” is a bimonthly online newsletter addressing medical, dietary, exercise, and pharmacological issues important to those with diabetes. It begun in 2000 with an intended clientele of diabetes educators and health care professionals who then distributed the newsletter to their clients (readers). The newsletter is archived and is also available in Spanish. The URL is

  22. To help people with diabetes eat well-balanced meals to keep blood glucose levels as close to normal as possible “Your Guide to Diet and Diabetes” was created. It focuses on the role that diet plays in the treatment of adults and diabetes. Because meal management can be confusing, this site addresses meal planning basics, serving sizes, and the various food groups. It also includes a general overview of diabetes and cardiovascular health. The URL is

  23. Learning About Diabetes is a non-profit organization providing easy-to-read, low literacy, and very low literacy health education programs in English and Spanish. The URL is

  24. is back, but with new ownership. GlaxoSmithKline, the drug company, now runs it. The URL is

  25. DiabeticOptiCarbDiet (DOCD) is probably the first complete lifestyle change package able to reliably delay type 2 diabetes complications and blood glucose (BG) control medication over the medium-term (10-plus years, and still counting) by diet and exercise alone, according to Roger Grant, who developed DOCD. "This complications delaying power is the most important aspect of any diabetic diet," he says. "DOCD's superiority comes mainly from its giving the maximum weight of any food, or food combination, that can be eaten by each individual diabetic without their BG rising to levels where artery damage causes complications. A new use of glycemic load gave this breakthrough. It fulfils previous researchers' promise of control by diet and exercise alone. Also others call for limiting postprandial BG level to reduce artery damage causing complications. DOCD follows ADA, Diabetes UK, etc., recommended carb, fats, etc., intakes, and is ordinary eating of anything healthy. Finger BG testing is much reduced, and the remaining testing made meaningful. DOCD is a rewrite, benefitting from 3 years of trialing the former OptimumCarbDiet and DietControlDiabetes, which is simpler for users (essentially DIY) and less time-consuming for medical professionals." An interesting diagram compares DOCD, with other popular diets, on its site. The program lists for GB Pounds 24.00, which is about US$50 or Euros 35, depending on actual exchange rate. The URL is

  26. is, not surprisingly, just about diabetes. And it does it quite well. The URL is

  27. The Pet Diabetes Wiki is a reference site written by caregivers that anyone can edit. The URL is

  28. The free encyclopedia, Wikipedia, has a comprehensive article about "Diabetes mellitus." The URL is

  29. The DFAN Diabetes Hub website leads to a suite of diabetes-related sites maintained by Belver Ladson in Bronx, New York. Here you can learn about many aspects of diabetes, including its symptoms, management and treatment, diets and recipes, gestational diabetes (diabetes and pregnancy), type 2 diabetes, diabetes treatment, type 1 diabetes, support, and discussion sites. The URL is

  30. Here really is "medical information that goes down easy," as the CartoonMD site says. It's starting with a series on diabetes. The URL is

  31. A DIVAbetic is any woman regardless of age who is in control of her diabetes. The URL is

  32. Bill Kirchenbauer and Brad Slaight have created two comedic, yet well meaning, diabetes superheroes named Captain Glucose and Meter Boy. The URL is

  33. The Diabetes And Diabetic Diet Website is a Malaysia website. The URL is

  34. Sayonara Diabetes is about how to control the symptoms of type 2 diabetes, as successfully done by the author's mother. It uses a three-fold system of eating a healthy macrobiotic diet balanced according to the principles of yin and yang and acid and alkali; cultivating a healthy, positive and balanced mind and relationships (which included reading macrobiotic and other holistic medicine books, as well as other books conveying positive messages); and exercising, including doing meridian (or energy channel) stretches, breathing and relaxation exercises, including the groundbreaking method of breathing from our feet; and zazen meditation. The URL is

  35.'s Diabetes Resource Center features medical news, health articles, doctor-produced video webcasts, message boards and chat rooms, email, newsletters, books and reviews, and resource directories on diabetes. The URL is

  36. Diacare India is an excellent and important new website for those people in India who have diabetes. It is important, because according to the World Health Organization, one in every six people with diabetes in the world lives in India. The URL is

  37. Diabetes and Diabetics, operated by NCERx Inc. in Carlsbad, California, says that it is "a profit making entity with a philanthropic mission." dedicated to providing useful, timely, accurate, and easily understood information. The URL is

  38. YAWD is a website where young adults (ages 18+) who have been diagnosed with diabetes can meet each other, share experiences, stories, ideas, ask questions, and form a support system. If you're too old to attend diabetes camp, but are surrounded by people old enough to be your grandparents at your local support group, then this is the place for you. The URL is

    Update -November 30, 2010: The link for YAWD website appears broken. This website is no more online.

  39. "dLife" is a new multi-media network (including television) for the diabetes community. Launched in March 2005, dLife says it will provide a powerful new resource for communicating with the diabetes world "via the day-parts, channels, and media that are most relevant to them." dlife says it will benefit the patients, family members, caregivers, and professionals involved in diabetes care as well as the healthcare industry and others whose products, services and insights can help in their daily challenge to manage the condition. The URL is .

  40. "What they Don't Tell You About Diabetes" by Jenny includes many interesting and well-presented articles about diabetes. But they are quite angry and the author, Jenny, does not identify herself except to say that she has well-controlled type 2 diabetes and follows a low-carb diet. The URL is

    Update -November 30, 2010: The link for "What they Don't Tell You About Diabetes" website appears broken. This website is no more online.

  41. "Carbs Information: Facts About Carbohydrates, Diet, Food, and Nutrition" has more than 2,000 pages of information on carbohydrates, the glycemic index, and diabetes. The URL is

  42. Your Diabetes Coach can help with personalized, individualized diabetes care, weekly blood glucose record reviews, targeted diabetes education, and diabetes coaching so you can prevent diabetic complications, stay healthy, and live longer. The URL is

  43. Ron Raab, a well-known diabetes activist in Australia, has now established his own website focusing on his advocacy of low-carb diets. The URL is

  44. is an online support group for people or families of people with type 1 or 2 diabetes. Some topics covered include insulin pump users, carb counting, exercise, complications, parents of children with type 1 diabetes, and spouses and significant others of people with type 1 diabetes. To register, visit or email [email protected] for more info.

  45. Bloggers with Type 2 Diabetes

      While 90 to 95 percent of the people with diabetes have type 2, almost all the people with diabetes who write about it have type 1. I have type 2 diabetes, and here is my directory of the other type 2 bloggers:

    • Gretchen Becker
      4668 Vermont Route 112 Jacksonville VT 05342
      [email protected]

    • Charlie Cherry
      Las Vegas, Nevada
      [email protected]
      producer/director/announcer, Diabetes PowerShow

    • Sean Kelley
      senior editor,
      writer and photographer from Birmingham, Alabama
      [email protected]

    • Rachel Baumgartel
      [email protected]
      Westminster, Colorado, but works in Boulder
      Dueling Diabetes column on dLife at
      Tales of My Thirties at
      Rachel's Diabetes Tales at

    • Tom Ross
      Sonoma County, California
      Not Medicated Yet at
      [email protected]

    • Alan Shanley
      Pottsville, Australia
      Type 2 Diabetes -- A Personal Journey at

    • Will Ryan - The Joyful Diabetic
      297 East Road, Alford, MA 01266

    • Bob Fenton
      [email protected]
      Service Dogs for Diabetes at
      Exploring Diabetes Type 2 at

    • Gary Rudoren
      Blogs for ASweetLife at

    • Anil
      Living with Diabetes at

    • Bob Pedersen
      T Minus Two at

    • Lawrence
      Driver's Range at

    • caramaena
      Musings on a ordinary life... at

    • Tracie
      Jack and Tracie ~ Life at

    • Denise
      My Fall from Grace at

    • Belynda Bady
      Say It Out Loud at

    • Pubsgal
      A 41-year-old woman living in the San Francisco Bay area
      [email protected]
      Opposite Life at

    • Robert Scheinman
      Robert Scheinman received a PhD in Pharmacology in 1990 and joined the faculty of the University of Colorado Denver School of Pharmacy in 1995. Robert runs a medical research laboratory focused on the role of inflammation in various disease states including diabetes, arthritis, and cancer. He lives in Conifer, Colorado.
      A Biologist's View at
      Diabetes Examiner at
      Email: [email protected]

    Here's another directory of bloggers with Type 2 diabetes compiled by Bob Fenton:

  46. Diabetes Informer is a resource for diabetes information and education. The best way to combat diabetes is with sound information. If the general public is more aware and educated on diabetes, we can take great steps in fighting the disease. As a result, many lives can be saved, and many others can learn how to live with their condition. The website consists of various articles with diabetes information. The URL is

  47. The Los Angeles Chinese Learning Center has a comprehensive diabetes site at

  48. Barry Groves specializes in "Exposing dietary and medical misinformation." It's a most interesting site, most of which (but not all) I agree with. The URL is

  49. Type 1 Tools offers a fresh approach to diabetes education and lifestyle management. Its educational tools are designed to simplify everyday tasks and build knowledge and confidence in children with Type 1 diabetes — to make life easier for the whole family. The URL is

  50. Information about Diabetes is Colin Bakewell's website in Manchester, England. He tells me that he was diagnosed with diabetes six years ago. "I realised that I needed to become an expert on diabetes if I wanted to have any control over my life. It seemed like a good idea to put all my research up on the web to make it a little easier for those facing the same learning curve as I did. I used to cook as a hobby, so my site includes a large numberof diabetic recipes." The URL is

  51. You can send free greeting cards concerning diabetes to your loved ones and friends. They are online at

  52. The Diabetes Shoppe is "a virtual support system to help you manage your diabetes." It's free, but requires registration. To complete the registration you need to obtain an activation code from one of the member pharmacies, all of which are listed in the site's pharmacy locator. The only problem was that the pharmacy closest to me had never heard of the activation key until I called. Eventually, they obtained one from Diabetes Shoppe and sent it to me. Unfortunately, it didn't work until I remembered that I had set Internet Explorer's privacy manager high. When I edited it to allow The Diabetes Shoppe, I got right it. The best part of it is a comprehensive drug guide. The URL is

  53. The National Conference of State Legislatures has a valuable Web page, "State Laws Mandating Diabetes Health Coverage," at

  54. The New Mexico's diabetes resource guide is Proyecto Bienestar. The URL is either or

  55. was created and is maintained by a twenty year old college student attending the University of Central Florida. Nowhere on the site is there any indication who that person is. Does that make you want to trust it? I sure don't. Fortunately, there isn't much here that you need to trust. Actually, a post March 17 on from Fran Grysko gave the game away. "My son Tim just finished his new web site called," she writes. "Tim has been type1 diabetic for 10 years now and has been using a pump for 3 years, Tim is a computer major...." Almost all of the information on the site was lifted from U.S. government sites. There is a link to a chat room, but it is not one created by the site. One good thing about this site is its translations into Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese, and German. The URL is

  56. Talking Diabetes Online is an interactive lifestyle magazine for people with type 2 diabetes. Sponsored by Novo Nordisk, the magazine features a variety of articles offering tips and advice from independent experts. The URL is

    Update -November 30, 2010: The link for "Talking Diabetes Online" website appears broken. This website is no more online.

  57. The Kent Diabetes Club website has been developed as a one stop central store of information that will assist everyone in Kent (U.K.) who has diabetes and hopefully those further afield. The URL is

  58. Fight Diabetes is the new site of John Malek that is becoming an online resource for people with diabetes. The URL is

  59. Diabeters is an attractively-presented new site from Diabeters Inc. in Deep River, Ontario, Canada. It combines information about diabetes with sales of products as well as resources for diabetes educators. The URL is

  60. The Diabetes mellitus page at has extensive basic information. The URL is

  61. BBC Health's Diabetes Guide features article by Dr. Rob Hicks, a British general practitioner who is a prolific writer. The URL is

  62. Bayer Care is an attractive new Web site from the large international pharmaceutical company headquartered in Germany, Bayer AG. Bayer makes blood glucose meters, lancing devices, and diabetes management software. The URL is

  63. The GI Symbol Program Home Page is run by Glycemic Index Limited, a non-profit company, whose members are the University of Sydney, Diabetes Australia, and the Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation. Currently, foods marketed in Australia can be licensed to become part of the Glycemic Index Symbol Program. Plans are underway to register the certification trademark in other countries. In terms of the symbol, a high GI value is 70 or more (where glucose = 100), a medium GI value is 56 to 69 inclusive, and a low GI value is 55 or less. The URL is

  64. Juvenile Diabetes Ottawa seeks to bring together Ottawa families with diabetes, whether they are type 1 or type 2. The site has information on the Walk to Cure Diabetes in Ottawa as well as Ottawa events, links, and a message/support board. The URL is

  65. is the "Norvartis portal for Type 2 Diabetes." It connects you to three product sites: (1), a relatively new drug for controlling type 2 diabetes, but inexplicably has detailed information only for non-U.S. healthcare professionals, and for the press, and for residents of Switzerland; (2), for the treatment of foot ulcers; and (3) The URL is

  66. is dedicated to providing Hispanics with health-related information, especially about diabetes, which is prevalent in Hispanic communities. Most of its pages are in English, although several are also in Spanish. The Webmaster is Maria Gomez and the URL is

  67. is an informational resource site about diabetes from many aspects. It is designed to teach those who seek some facts about this disease and to aid those who know it too well. It includes a news section and the resource center, which gives visitors assistance and guidance with alternative medication, legal reference, and nutritional information. Basic diabetes information, such as symptoms, treatments and warnings, are located on the diabetes page. The feedback section lets visitors voice their opinions and comments to the Webmaster, Ashley Pettaway, and to also network via a bulletin board. The URL is

  68. This Web site is a newsletter designed for people with diabetes living in the Arab world. What makes this site different is that it discusses specific issues for Arabs who have diabetes, such as fasting Ramadan and performing Hajj. It is a result of the Yahoo! group, diabetes-in-egypt. The URL is

  69. Diabetes India is the two-month old Web site of the Indian Diabetes Task Force, which consists of about 300 practicing doctors who specialize in diabetes. The URL is

  70. "How Diabetes Works" is an excellent introduction to diabetes at Marshall Brain's interesting HowStuffWorks Web site. Written by Craig C. Freudenrich, Ph.D., senior editor of science, medicine and the human body for HowStuffWorks, this gem of an article is beautifully presented with the best graphics about diabetes that I have ever seen. The URL is

  71. Reality Check is about young adults living with diabetes. This Australian site is colorful and attractive. It has lots of great content too. The Our Stories section has great anecdotes from people with diabetes. The Forum has active discussions. The Ron Raab section—about him and the Institute for Life—is about one of our diabetes heros. The URL is

  72. Asian Indians with Diabetes is managed by Professor P.V. Rao, the head of the Department of Endocrinology and Metabolism of the School of Diabetology, Nizam's Institute of Medical Sciences, and Dr. Paturi Ushabala of the Diabetes Education and Treatment Center, both in Hyderabad, India. The site notes that India has more people with diabetes than any other country. The URL is

  73. is a new British expert resource for those living and working with diabetes. John Wiley and Sons, a major publisher of academic and professional books, journals and on-line products, developed the site in partnership with diabetes information providers worldwide. The editorial advisory panel comprises some of the leading diabetes healthcare professionals and researchers. They provide advice and monitor the accuracy of the clinical material presented. They built the site to serve all members of the diabetescommunity: healthcare professionals, people working in the pharmaceutical industry, scientists and researchers, and people with diabetes. Some of the content is common to all visitors, while some has been tailored to meet the needs of specific groups. The site contains a broad range of clinical and scientific articles relating to diabetes and associated conditions, both published and especially commissioned, as well as conference abstracts and reports. Other features include directories of useful services, a conference calendar and educational material for both healthcare professionals and people with diabetes. Unless you are a registered healthcare or pharmaceutical worker there are two areas that you will not be able to access. This is for legal reasons due to the advertisements in these areas. However. the other two areas are free for anyone to enter and should provide a valid resource to anyone with or involved in diabetes. The URL is

  74. The GeneticHealth Diabetes site includes news with expert commentary and special features about diabetes with an emphasis on genetics. The URL is

  75. in Ft. Lauderdale, Florida, provides its content in English, Spanish, and Portuguese—and soon will add Japanese, Hindi, French, German and Mandarin, according to e-mail from Executive Vice President Howard Storfer . The URL is

  76. , an affiliate of Spacelabs Medical Inc. in Redmond, Washington, has added diabetes information and personalized health records to its Web site. The URL is

  77. The American Federation for Aging Research has a section in its disease center on diabetes that contains information on causes, prevention, and the latest research. The content is original, peer-reviewed feature length articles written for a consumer audience. The URL is

  78. is a comprehensive and attractively presented diabetes resource. Sponsored by Aventis Pharmaceuticals, the site is so low-key that I couldn't find a single mention of any of the company's diabetes medications, which include a sulfonylurea (Amaryl, glimepiride) and a long-acting insulin, Lantus. The URL is

  79. IDEA 2000 is an international group of people with insulin dependent diabetes committed to leading healthy and adventurous lives and helping people with diabetes in need. David Panofsky in Madison, Wisconsin, is the cofounder and Outreach Coordinator. The URL is

  80. Black and Brown in Pasadena, California, bills itself as "The Center for Free Diabetes Information Regarding African American, Latino and Other Minority Populations." Lenore T. Coleman, Pharm.D., CDE, is the site's Webmaster. The URL is

  81. SugarBytes isn't a commercial site trying to sell you sugar-free foods, as I assumed when I first saw the name of this excellent new Canadian site. The bytes in the name refer to the opportunity the site gives you to pick the level of information about diabetes that you want to see—short and sweet, a bigger byte, or the full byte. They call it "easy to digest diabetes information for Canadians" and so it is. The URL is

  82. HealthTalk Interactive in Seattle, Washington, connects patients with people who can answer their questions via interactive Web broadcasts--webcasts--that are designed to offer more than clinical medical information. You can read or listen to any HealthTalk feature article. HealthTalk allows patients to ask questions of experts in the webcasts, then archives the programs and transcripts on its Web site. The HealthTalk focus is on offering emotional support and building a sense of community while providing with the latest information in depth. HealthTalk's focus is directed at some of the most serious diseases and chronic health conditions like diabetes. The HealthTalk URL is

    HealthTalk Interactive's Diabetes Education Network is a comprehensive source for diabetes information. That URL is

  83. Diabetes123 builds on Children with Diabetes, but broadens the focus to include everyone with diabetes. Jeff Hitchcock created both of these extraordinarily popular and important Web sites. The URL is

  84. Diabetes in Control is dedicated to helping practitioners help their patients. Steve Freed, a Certified Diabetes Educator who has a private practice of diabetes education and management, offers his newsletter—which he also makes available via email—as well as a bulletin board, news, and background information on diabetes. The URL is

  85. Diabetic Help is hosted by Dr. Joe. He is J.L. Garcia, D.D.S. and his site is bilingual (English-Spanish) and it currently has more than 1000 pages. The URL is

  86. includes monthly columns by Scott R. King, the president of Islet Sheet Medical and Webmaster of this site, and Carolyn Robertson, a diabetes nurse educator. The site also has a forum for users to exchange news and views. The URL is

  87. Hanuman Garden is a Web site designed for people with diabetes, their families, and friends. The sister site to (see above), Hanuman Garden is intended for the newly diagnosed. The URL is

  88.'s Diabetes Center has news, feature stories, a discussion forum, and a chat room about diabetes. The URL is

  89. The British health site,, has several articles on diabetes. NetDoctor has sister sites in Danish at, in Swedish at, in Norwegian at, and in German at (for Austria) and (for Germany). The URL of the British site is

  90. Diabetes Portal, "the gateway to a cure," consists of several sites:

    1. Insulin-Free World Foundation—news and information about pancreas and islet-cell transplantation programs—at

    2. The Diabetes Station—scheduled chats—at

    3. Fast Track to a Cure—a non-profit funding vehicle for cure-focused diabetes research—at

  91. Dr. Gabe Mirkin has more than a dozen short but interesting articles about diabetes on his Web site. A practicing physician in Kensington, Maryland, Dr. Mirkin is best known for "The Dr. Gabe Mirkin Show," broadcast weekdays on the Talk America Radio Network. He is board-certified in four specialties: Allergy and Immunology, Sports Medicine, Pediatrics and Pediatric Immunology, but not in Endocrinology. The URL is

  92. AlternativeDiabetes provides provide credible, complete, and current information about alternative approaches to diabetes treatment, including herbal, dietary, nutritional, and other strategies. The site is remarkably even-handed. The URL is

  93. The Diabetes Learning Center is specifically for the family members and friends of people with diabetes. There are special sections for
    1. Spouses, Boyfriends & Girlfriends
    2. Others Like You
    3. Parents
    The URL is

  94. Kidney Directions is an interactive patient education web site dedicated to increasing awareness and understanding of kidney disease. The site provides information on maintaining healthy kidneys, the causes and symptoms of kidney failure and treatment options. Baxter Healthcare Corp. in Deerfield, Illinois, which develops, manufactures, and distributes dialysis and other health care products, sponsors the site. It is designed for people at-risk for kidney disease, current patients, and their caregivers. As a result of diabetes about 50,000 people have end-stage renal disease (ESRD), a serious condition in which the kidneys fail to rid the body of wastes. The URL is

  95. Excite.Health/WebMD have features, news, message boards, and a library archive on a Diabetes Condition Center, one part of the site. The URL is

  96. Diabetes Health Monitor is one of the health centers of the Health Monitor Network. It consists of a series of newsletters and this web site devoted to various therapeutic areas, such as Arthritis, Cancer Care, Diabetes (English and Spanish), Family Care, Heart Care, Kidney Care, Pediatrics, Respiratory Health, Senior Life, Women's Health, and health issues for Young Women. The URL is

  97. Patient Education Handouts, published by the American Academy of Family Physicians, are published in conjunction with the American Family Physician Monographs. These nine handouts are basic primers on diabetes. The URL is

  98. Discover Insulin Resistance has lots of information about the underlying cause of diabetes, obesity, and other major cardiovascular diseases. The site, in both English and French, seems to be sponsored by two drug companies, Merck and Lipha s.a. Not surprising, since the site pushes metformin, which Lipha developed. The URL is

  99. The Web of Care community provides information and support for caregivers involved with diabetes. The URL is

  100. Treating Diabetes with Good Nutrition starts with the basics about diabetes, proceeds to food management tools like food exchanges and carb counting, and goes on to food management skills, including cooking in and eating out. Use of some of the site is by subscription. The URL is

  101. The Diabetic Gourmet MagazineTM is an attractive-looking Web site. But it is an e-zine rather than a magazine. The URL is

  102. "Traveling with Diabetes" is the Feburary 1999 issue of Postgraduate Medicine. The URL is

  103. The "Symposium on the Diabetic Foot" is the July 1999 issue of Postgraduate Medicine. The URL is

  104. "Insulin Pumps" is the February 1997 issue of Postgraduate Medicine. The URL is

  105. HealthCentral's Diabetes Center features Dr. Dean Edell, an ophthalmologist and surgeon who has made a name for himself as one of the first physician broadcasters. He hosts America's second most popular syndicated radio talk show, The Dr. Dean Edell Show. He addresses all sorts of issues, including diabetes. The URL is

  106. DiabeticNet is beautifully designed, but is new and at this point has little original content, except on its discussion forums and chat rooms. The president of in Fresno, California, is Douglas S. Buchanan. The phone number is (559) 277-8132 and the URL is

  107. "Diabetes Mellitus and other Disorders of Carbohydrate Metabolism" is a long, detailed, and knowledgeable article in The Merck Manual of Geriatrics. The URL is

  108. Diabetes Home has some free stuff for people with diabetes. The URL is

  109. America's Doctor Online, a new broad health site, has a diabetes community section consisting of a message board, chat, library, and the opportunity to "Talk to a Doctor." The URL is
    America's Doctor

  110. diabetes@thrive is the still rather limited diabetes area of the top-flight health site known as thriveonline. which is now a part of the even broader Oxygen site. The URL is

  111. MyDiabetes , sponsored by Protocol Driven Healthcare Inc., which also runs sites for a number of other diseases, is one of the best sites for diabetes information and support. Among many exciting features of the site is a "Daily Diary" to record diet, exercise, medications and blood glucose. The URL is

  112. InteliHealth, the highly respected general medical Web site, has a "Featured Health Area" or condition center on diabetes. The URL is

  113. The Lehigh Diabetic Archives is the repository of message sent on the Diabetic mailing lists, FAQs, and pictures of some members. The URL is

  114. The Diabetes Monitor includes the Diabetes Mentor section, which is a large collection of pages on diabetes for patients and their families. Especially interesting are pages on current and upcoming medications and research. See too the "cyberquackery" page to help you evaluate heath care information on the Internet. Another section of the Diabetes Monitor includes a large and well-organized collection of links to other diabetes-related sites. The Webmaster is Stephanie Schwartz, a diabetes nurse specialist. The URL is

  115. Children with Diabetes has many resources for children with Type I diabetes, their families, and other adults with Type I diabetes. One of the largest diabetes Web sites with nearly 6,000 pages, Children with Diabetes is also one of the Web's most active sites with more than 20,000 pages delivered daily. It's the contribution to the Internet community of Jeffrey S. Hitchcock, whose young daughter Marissa was diagnosed with Type I diabetes at age 2. While the site's chat rooms are the most popular areas, most of its pages are questions to a diabetes team of professional experts. This team has answers to more than 4,000 different questions on-line. Another useful resource here is a listing of prescription laws for insulin and syringes in each of the U.S. states and many countries at Also find here the response from NIH Director Harold Varmus to the ADA Declaration that "NIH Declares: Diabetes Not a Priority" at The URL for Children with Diabetes is

  116. The PIGLIT (Patient Information Generated by Loosely Intelligent Techniques) system (sometimes called PIGLET) has been developed to provide a tool for patients to browse through their own medical records. The system allows users to access details on all aspects of diabetes as well as information which is personal to them. The URL is

  117. Camp Sweeney, 75 miles north of Dallas-Fort Worth, Texas, is one of few camps in the country designed specifically for kids with diabetes. Camp Sweeney is owned and operated by the Southwestern Diabetic Foundation, a non-profit organization. Its URL is

  118. The Doctor's Guide to Diabetes Information & Resources has a great collection of links. Its URL is

  119. The Banting Museum & Education Center in London, Ontario, Canada, is certainly an appropriate Web site to include here, since it was Dr. Frederick Banting who discovered insulin at the University of Toronto in 1921-22, and the museum is in the house where he lived and practiced medicine. He was at that time a young surgeon in London, Ontario. In 1923 he won the Nobel prize in Physiology or Medicine for his lifesaving discovery. The site is a must-see for anyone interested in diabetes. The graphics are like wandering through an excellent museum, and the explanations are first-rate. The URL is

  120. The Banting Digital Library, hosted by The New Tecumseth Public Library in Alliston, Beeton, and Tottenham, Ontario, Canada, is currently digitizing its large archieve of materials on Sir Frederick Banting. The URL is

  121. The files of frequently asked questions (FAQs) of the Usenet group are much more valuable—and much less argumentative—than the newsgroup itself. It addition to the FAQ itself, here are discussions of insulin pumps and diabetes software. The URL is

  122. Diabetes Insight, run by Steven J Sexton, contains useful information related to blood glucose meters, injection devices, lancets, books, news items from the BDA Balance magazine and other information & products that are available in the UK to assist in the management of diabetes.

    In addition there is a wide range of software availiable for downloading data from blood glucose meters, providing information on diet and nutrition and an interactive educational program for simulating the effects of changes in the insulin regime of people who are insulin dependent. The URL of Diabetes Insight is

  123. The Discovery of Insulin On-line Resource Center is a magnificent Web site not to be missed by anyone with diabetes, whether on insulin or not. Bob Banting, a great-nephew of the principal discoverer, Sir Frederick Banting, is the Webmaster. The URL is

  124. Part of Joanne Larsen's Ask the DietitianTM site is a full page of questions and answers about diabetes. You can also check out a Weight/Calorie Calculator. The URL is

  125. "The Diabetes and Hormone Center of the Pacific" in Honolulu, Hawaii, is directed by Endocrinologist David Fitz-Patrick, M.D. It is a comprehensive state-of-the-art center for the diagnosis and treatment of diabetes and hormonal disorders. The center's diabetes page has several valuable features. One lets you enter your latest Hb A1c result and see what effect reducing it to 7.0 would have on your risk of eye complications, advanced eye disease, and of dying. Another lets you test your diabetes knowledge and how well you are taking care of yourself. The URL is

    Service Dogs and Pet Diabetes

    I just knew that there had to be a website about service dogs to detect hypoglycemia and hyperglycemia. But I never could find it until Michele Reinkemeyer, program director of Heaven Scent Paws Inc. wrote me about Heaven Scent Paws at

    Dogs4Diabetics, also known as the Armstrong Project, named after the dog who inspired the program, is a non-profit charitable organization of dedicated volunteers who are training quality medical alert dogs for youths and adults in the western United States who have type 1 diabetes. The URL is

    Cats are so much like the people that they also get diabetes. Feline Diabetes is a clearinghouse for information, questions, and links concerning diabetes in cats and is maintained by a human physician—not a veterinarian—Rebecca A. Price, who is the owner of a diabetic cat. The URL is

    Dogs too can get diabetes. The Canine Diabetes home page has information for owners of dogs with diabetes. The URL is

    Diabetes and My Dog is more than just about Queenie, a dog that has diabetes. "It is now complete with an online chatroom on the web, a forum , etc.," writes Judy Dick. The URL is

    The Diabetes in Pets site has more than 100 articles. The URL is

    VetInfo is a veterinary information service on diabetes in dogs and cats by Michael Richards, DVM. The URL is

    The Pets and Diabetes Web site is in honor of Barney, a diabetic cat. The goals of this site are to provide information about diabetes, provide links to reliable sources of information, and share personal experiences from owners of pets with diabetes. The URL is

    The Muffin Pet Diabetes Support Group has a valuable Web site that provides support, encouragement, and information for owners of diabetic pets. The URL is

    Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia, has a comprehensive article about diabetes in cats and dogs. The URL is

    Bark Magazine has an outstanding article, "Dealing with Diabetes," by Shauna S. Roberts, in its March-April 2007 issue. The article isn't online, but the magazine at sent me a copy when I asked for it.

  126. Insulin Dependent Diabetes Trust is a charity registered in the UK. with a branch in the United States. The URL is

  127. WebMD , which includes the former Sapient Health Network, an interactive health information service developed for people with chronic and serious illnesses, is the leading health Web site that is not disease specific. Diabetes is one of its 19 on-line communities. You register by completing a detailed questionnaire well-tailored to each disease. Sapient Health Network is financed by the sale of the aggregate data that it collects from these questionnaires. By completing these questionnaires you have a choice of three distinct services quite attractively presented: The Library section includes journals, a medical dictionary, a drug database, and Medline (1993-95 only). In Newsstand, you can read the latest news from around the world about diabetes. News resources include Reuters Medical News, the Internet, articles written exclusively for SHN, magazines, conference updates, and important newsletters. And you can join the SHN Community, which includes interactive message boards, live chats, and online workshops with experts and health care professionals. The SHN Health and Wellness Center also offers on-line shopping for health-related products. The URL is

  128. Diabetes Scene fortunately offers both frames and no frames. Choose no frames, because it's too hard to get around the site otherwise. The URL is

  129. Diabetes in Skin Disease is a technical article in the Electronic Textbook of Dermatology by Dr. A. Huntley, associate professor at the University of California, Davis. The URL is

  130. Insulin Pumper's Homepage is connected to the Insulin Pumper's mailing list linked on the first page of this FAQ. The URL is

  131. Healthtouch has 29 Web pages of information useful to those concerned with various aspects of diabetes. The URL is

  132. The "Diabetes Health Economics Study Group" seeks to enhance communication about economic issues in diabetes care and establish collaborative efforts in the reporting and dissemination of diabetes economics research. This site, maintained by Thomas J. Songer, assistant professor, department of epidemiology, University of Pittsburgh, provides a link to the activities of the study group as well as a number of Internet accessible resources related to the economic issues of diabetes and diabetes care. Of special interest are pages on "A bibliography of papers on diabetes economics" and "Estimates of the economic cost of diabetes." See also "What are the Costs of Diabetes Mellitus?" at Dr. Songer's own site is The URL for the Diabetes Health Economics Study Group is

  133. "Diabetes" is one of more than 700 (formerly The Mining Company) guides to subject areas on the Internet. The URL is

  134. "KidsRPumping" is, as the name says, about children who are pumping insulin. Here children and their parents share their positive feelings and experiences about using insulin pumps. The Webmaster is Ellen H. Ullman and the URL is

  135. "Mimi's Cyber Kitchen" is a great collection of food and other links for people with diabetes. Normally I don't link other pages that are just about links (after all that is what On-line Diabetes Resources is all about), but this collection of food links all in one place warrants an exception to the rule. The URL is

  136. "Home Testing for Glucose" is an on-line manual produced by students in the University of Kentucky College of Pharmacy as a class project for fifth year pharmacy students participating in a course on Home Medical Testing. It's a pretty extensive study of blood glucose monitors. The URL is

  137. "Famous Diabetics" is a long list of, well, what it says it is. Angela and Rose Goode maintains the list. The URL at its new location is

  138. Samantha C Welch maintains another directory of " famous diabetics." This one is mostly pictures. The URL is

  139. DiabeticsWorld is a currently a collection of links but is growing. The URL is

  140. The Amputation Prevention Global Resource Center, a collaborative effort between Boehringer Mannheim and Eli Lilly and Company, provides foot care tips so that people with diabetes can reduce their chances of having foot problems like sores, cuts, and bruises that may lead to amputation. The URL is

  141. A landmark study shows that the risk of complications of diabetes can be reduced dramatically. The UK Prospective Diabetes Study (UKPDS), the largest clinical study of diabetes ever attempted, has shown for the first time that the life-threatening complications of non-insulin dependent diabetes, often regarded as inevitable, can be reduced by more intensive management using existing treatments. The 20-year study recruited more than 5,000 patients with type 2 diabetes in 23 clinical centres based in England, Northern Ireland, and Scotland. The URL is

  142. Diabetes Circle is a website devoted to keeping people informed about diabetes and its complications. It aims to spread awareness on diabetes, since most people who have diabetes don't know they have it.


    New April 23, 2009:
  • Glymetrix Inc. in Salem, Massachusetts, offers diabetes games to help you better manage your diabetes, and it includes free prizes. The URL is

  • Pump Expeditions is beautifully designed and looks like quite a game. Medtronic Diabetes, the pump manufacturer, offers this site, which is both a game and a way to explore insulin pump theraphy. The URL is

  • Diabetes Food Pyramid Bingo is an interactive and unique bingo game that teaches individuals with diabetes, ages 9 to adult, about healthy food choices. It is two games in one—each 9" x 12" bingo card is two-sided. On side, one 2-30 players will identify 95 foods that contain carbohydrates and learn about healthy food choices for better glucose control. On side two, which can also be played by 2-30 players, they will identify 95 foods that contain protein and fat to learn about smart food choices for a healthy lifestyle. It combines and outlines the three major meal-planning methods used in diabetes education (Diabetes Food Pyramid, Exchange Lists for Meal Planning, and basic carbohydrate counting) in a simple way, showing the similarities and differences of each method.

    This game is patterned after traditional bingo, so it is easy to teach and fun to learn. Players learn about food groups, exchanges, portion sizes and basic carbohydrate counting of 190 foods. The pyramid structure at the top of the cards shows a similarity to the USDA Food Guide Pyramid. Players begin to understand that they are following the same healthy eating guidelines as all Americans. Repetition of information through playing helps players take in knowledge more completely and therefore will create an awareness in choosing better and healthier food choices. The URL is

  • The Starbright Foundation, which develops and evaluates programs that help seriously ill children confront medical and emotional challenges, makes available to families of children who have diabetes a free copy of a CD-ROM game to educate children with diabetes to better manage their disease. You can obtain it by calling (800) 760-3818. The Diabetes CD-ROM takes a player through an interactive, educational adventure that models a day in the life of a child with diabetes. Centered around an animated alien character named Xylo, a series of fast-paced exercises, quizzes, and arcade-style games provides players with critical information to help them properly manage their diabetes. Also included in the game are a glossary of terms, diabetes information sections, and a section designed especially for parents. The CD-ROM is narrated in both English and Spanish. It was funded by a charitable donation from Eli Lilly and Company and the Eli Lilly and Company Foundation and is available free of charge to children with diabetes from ages 5 to 13. The Starbright Foundation is chaired by filmmaker Steven Spielberg and General H. Norman Schwarzkopf. The URL is

  • Diabetes Tool Box, the Web site of Appomattox Drug Store in Appomattox, Virginia, offers both supplies and games. The "Fun and games" section starts at

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Permission to link this site to yours is not needed. Of course, I would be delighted to hear from you, especially if you have a new site that you think should be linked here.

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If you have a question about your health, please go to either Diabetes Questions & Answers at the Diabetes Monitor, or use the Question Form for the Diabetes Team at Children with Diabetes. ”

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