Scroll down this page to see the effects of different insulin doses and regimens on the blood glucose profile of an example insulin-dependent diabetic patient.

The first graph in the panel below shows a 24-hour blood glucose profile for a typical patient (in red). His carbohydrate intake is shown in grams on the second graph (in green).

Blood Glucose Level (mmol/l)

The next panel below shows the patient's simulated plasma insulin level on the upper graph (in red), and his insulin regimen of two injections of only NPH (intermediate-acting) insulin (in green) on the lower graph.

Plasma Insulin Level (mU/l)

This overweight, insulin resistant man keeps reasonable glycaemic control. Accessing the advanced Fluxes option within AIDA on-line shows that he has relatively constant glucose production by the liver with just minor excursions in peripheral glucose uptake and in the renal excretion of glucose following each meal. By how much would he need to increase his insulin intake to tighten his glycaemic control even further?

Below is a data entry form showing this example patient's carbohydrate intake, insulin regimen, as well as other clinical variables such as weight and renal function. Try changing any of these fields to modify the regimen and click on the 'Run Simulation' button at the bottom of the page. This will result in the effects of the changes being displayed in your Web browser window.



Case Number:

Meals: Breakfast: Snack: Lunch: Snack: Supper: Snack:
Time (hhmm):
Carbohydrate (grams):

Insulin Injections:
Time (hhmm):
Dose (units):
Dose (units):

Kidney Function:
Renal Threshold of Glucose: Renal Function:
Insulin Sensitivities:
Liver: Peripheral:

Click on the 'Run Simulation' button above to simulate the effects of your selected changes on the example patient's blood glucose profile. Once the next set of graphs is shown you can make further changes; the number of possible simulations which can be run is nearly infinite. 39 other cases are available for interactive simulation at AIDA on-line, and you can create further cases yourself. Enjoy!

A downloadable version of the AIDA diabetes simulator for PCs (or Apple Macs running SoftWindows or VirtualPC) is also available without charge by clicking here.