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Diabetes Drugs

Diabetes Medication

Using Expired Medicine

When we act like responsible adults, we always look at the expiration dates on the containers of prescription medicine and over-the-counter drugs that we use. Just to give one example, I can’t count the number of times that I have tossed old aspirin tablets.

Now, it turns out, I was throwing away my money.

From now on I will be saving money after reading an article in the current issue of my favorite health newsletter, which I subscribe to the old-fashioned way, on paper. The article, “Out on a date” in the October issue of the “UC Berkeley Wellness Letter,” explains that expiration dates are guarantees that prescription and over-the-counter drugs will be both potent and safe until then. But they don’t mean that after the expiration date, they won’t be effective or safe.
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Diabetes Developments, Diabetes Medication

Living Longer with Byetta

The diabetes drug Byetta can help us control our blood glucose and lose weight. That’s huge — and just the beginning of the story.

Full disclosure: I own 100 shares of stock in Amylin, the company that developed Byetta.

About a year ago, after the Scientific Sessions of the American Diabetes Association in Chicago, I reported here how Byetta can reduce our risk of heart attacks and strokes. These are the most common and deadly complications of diabetes.

Now a study presented at the ADA’s recent Scientific Sessions in San Francisco indicates that the reduced risk to our hearts may lead to previously unheard of benefits. Taking Byetta can lower our chance of dying compared with other diabetes drugs. The Times says that the chance of dying while taking Byetta is about 75 percent lower than on the other drugs.
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Diabetes Medication

My Supplements

One of the questions that readers ask me the most is what supplements I take. While I respond to individual email requests answering their questions, until now I have resisted writing generally on this topic.

I do study supplements, but am no expert. Eventually, however, I’ve realized that no one is. Certainly not our doctors, most of whom don’t know or care the first thing about supplements.
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Diabetes Medication, Psychosocial

Announcing Our Weight

Dirk Baeuerle has a nice desk job in Alabama working for an architect. It doesn’t require much physical effort and he hadn’t been getting much exercise.

He also ate too much. When he weighted himself in January 1, 2006, he was shocked to see that the scales told him that he weighed 375 pounds. Even though he’s 6′ 1″ tall he knew this was far too much.
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