People often write to ask about some new miracle solution to diabetes. I give them the usual warnings that anything that appears to be too good to be true probably is good for the salesman and especially to question anything that cures just about everything.
Nobody is better at exposing these quacks and scams than my friend, endocrinologist Bill Quick M.D. We have worked together for more than a decade, but I leave it to him to concentrate on exposing these frauds, because I don’t enjoy the hate mail and even more because my insurance won’t cover libel suits, which while unjustified still have to be defended by attorneys. Twice now I have had to hire attorneys because of something that I wrote, and both times I was lucky enough to arrange pro bono defenses and avoid lawsuits, but I don’t want to take any chances.
Anyway, Bill has several important web pages about quacks. See especially Diabetes Quackery and Too Good to Be True.
Also see Ten Ways to Avoid Being Quacked Stephen Barrett, M.D., the aptly named “Quackwatch Doctor.”
This article is based on an earlier version of my article published by HealthCentral.
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